[2021 Wikidot Theme]
By Liryn & Placeholder McD
Based on:
Paperstack Theme by EstrellaYoshte
Minimal Theme by Stormbreath
BLANKSTYLE CSS by Placeholder McD & HarryBlank
PLACESTYLE CSS by Placeholder McD
Simple Yonder Theme by EstrellaYoshte
Tab animation by Croquembouche
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/* MAIN */
/* ======================= */
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/* ======================= */
/* ======================= */
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/* ======================= */
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/* TABS */
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/* Tab animation by Croquembouche */
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/* TAGS */
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/* ======================= */
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/* ======================= */
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/* Anendlessusername's invaluable correction of the ACS octagon! */
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/* WHEN YOU SEE IT... */
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