Unofficial logo of the German SCP Foundation
Who are we
Before the current German wiki was founded, there were several attempts to create a German branch. In 2013, Dr Storm had founded a wiki that was the biggest and most successful. Yet it never became really active. Translations were added and members joined, but no structure could be established. Over the years the wiki was flooded with unedited google-translations. With the quality drop, other sites removed links to the German wiki and the staff became inactive.
As chance would have it, in early 2016 ThePencilwriter and
Dr_Grom happened to be simultaneously active there, trying to reactivate the wiki. Though the staff was inactive and unresponsive, so without further ado they founded a new wiki as they saw no chance to reach out to the staff soon or to get overall translation quality to an acceptable level.
The new wiki was quickly set up on the 5th of April, and to prevent a long work-in-progress phase with incompletely translated menus and missing system pages, it was pressured to first create and translate the framework - menus, templates, system pages, and the most important articles. To manage all this, we added Der Archivar, who reads SCPs on YouTube, and other active members of the - back then - small germanophone SCP community to our staff and have never had less than three staff members since the beginning. To reach a wide audience right from the start, we established a link exchange with the German creepypasta wiki and got in contact with all SCP readers on YouTube who until then had made their translations by themselves. We swore not to allow unedited automated translations e.g. from Google and were lucky that we could get translations from the old wiki, the YouTubers and the Creepypasta Wikia, to not start at zero.
In May 2016, Dr Storm became active again, joined us and set up a redirection to the new wiki on the old one, effectively making it the only German branch of the SCP Foundation. With having grown, we also got more structure like a roadmap and a list, prioritizing in what order articles were to be translated. However, translations were never our only priority. Right from the beginning, we had original content, transferred from the old wiki and the CP Wikia, and have always created more. At this point, we also had come in contact with Roget, captain of the English wiki's Internet Outreach and responsible for acknowledging unofficial branches as official, as well as with other branches.
In August, Rikjard Regreps, who had been an active content creator and reviewer, joined the staff as a moderator. A few weeks later, on the 25th of August 2016, after only 4¾ month, we were officially approved. Being officialized brought more audience, as well as more authors and translators and the wiki grew further.
Having reached our goal to be officialized, not much to speak of happened. We continued to translate and create articles, and also made translations from other branches, however, due to the lack of knowledge of this languages, translations had to be done with help from Google translate, which is a slow and laborious process. Then, in the spring of 2017, the International Translation Archive was founded as a hub for translations from the branches to English, and therewith a source of easily translatable articles came to existence, leading to an increase of translations from other languages than English. After seeing how useful the Discord chat of the Translation Archive was, we created our own Discord server.
In summer 2017, Der Archivar left the team and Dr Ore, author with most articles written and most active reviewer, as well as
TPS-Geronam, who amongst being an active author and reviewer too, programmed our Discord bot KIRA, joined our staff and with coming close to 100 original SCPs, we had our first contest about folkloric anomalies, to open series 100 with SCP-100-DE being claimed by
We also got our first active Swiss member in summer 2017, and upon his commitment, and as we seek to be a branch for all German-speakers, be they German, Austrian, Swiss, Luxembourgian, Belgian, American, Namibian, other German-speaking minorities and of course those who speak German as a foreign language, we switched from “SCP-Foundation in Germany” to “Germanophone SCP-Foundation” in late 2017, but as it sounds better we use “German SCP Foundation” in English.
We had another contest, this time about GOI which was won by TempestSCP and
Kelesoglu Faruk with SCP-120-DE, as well as
Dr_Grom with SCP-188-DE, and
Dr_Winde, a becoming Germanist, joined our staff.
Right now (2018-12-03) we have 131 SCPs, 36 tales, 8 GoI and 4 canons (including the one below).
As like most branches we have freedom of canon thus no official background. However, we have an optional canon most authors use for their articles.
The German SCP Foundation is an autonomous branch of the SCP Foundation and answerable directly to the O5's. It is led by the Directors Council, a council of Directors of Facilities and Departments, which is presided by the director of Site-DE1. The Council is subordinate to the O5's and exclusively answerable to them. As all directors are to have security clearance level 4, the Directors Council is often called the O4, despite not all level-4-personnel being members of the council. Although the designation is factually wrong, it has also been adopted among the directors. Germans, Swiss and Austrians that are part of the O5-Council are not personnel of the German SCP Foundation, but members of the O5 exclusively.
After the 2nd World War, the SCP-Foundation sent MTF-Units to Germany and Austria to secure, and contain, anomalous artifacts of the SS and other organizations of the Third Reich. German and Austrian researchers and officers who were former members of the SS or the SKP were - under reserve - accepted into the MTFs. Doubts regarding the German and Austrian personnel's loyalty remained, and promotions to higher clearances and personnel classes were usually denied.
When the Cold War broke out and it became apparent that the mission in Germany and Austria would continue for an undetermined time, it was decided to convert the MTFs into departments, the Department of the SCP Foundation in Germany and the Department of the SCP Foundation in Austria. These departments remained directly integrated into the SCP Foundation and had no autonomous structure. Their task, besides securing and containing anomalous objects in the respective national territory, was to monitor the states of the Warsaw Pact for anomalous activities and threats. Since that date, SCPs secured and contained in Germany and Austria are designated SCP-XXX-DE, and already existing SCPs have been renamed. During this time, the Foundation established close ties to the respective government in Germany and Austria, which began to grow weaker since the fall of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Department of the SCP Foundation in Switzerland was established, hoping to get a better position when negotiating with the Swiss government which also demanded neutrality in matters of anomalies. The department in Switzerland was specialized in the containment of politically charged SCPs, and to provide storage and emergency shelter for crucial SCPs and officials of the Foundation.
Only after the Committee For Accounting Of The NS-Crimes Of Foundation Personnel was founded in the 1960's, and many important former SS-Officers were reclassified as D-personnel, the reservations against German and Austrian personnel where officially abolished, the departments were restructured and many personnel from other countries were relocated closer to their homes, whereupon the departments mostly consisted of German and Austrian personnel. The department in Switzerland consisted mostly of Swiss personnel since establishment.

Discarded proposal for a D-A-CH SCP-Logo
In the 1970s, the Departments of the SCP Foundation in Germany and Austria were consolidated in order to ease organization. Attempts to integrate the Department of the SCP Foundation in Switzerland failed due to the opposition of the Swiss government. After the German reunification, the German-Austrian department was dismissed into autonomy and the German SCP Foundation became a full branch. Their new task was the classification and containment of the legacies of the Red Army and the anomalous stocks of the GDR-organizations, as well as to establish facilities in the eastern states of Germany and recruitment of suitable personnel. Here, an extensive check for allegiances in the GDR was carried out before the hiring of personnel. Only at the end of the 1990s the Swiss government gave in and approved to the integration of the Department of the SCP Foundation in Switzerland. The facilities and personnel of which were transferred to the German, French and Italian branches.
Today, the German SCP Foundation has ██ facilities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, and is in charge of the majority of anomalies appearing in the germanophone region.